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How to Successfully Implement an ERP for Your Platform Organization

4apps group, 8 March 2024

If you are running a platform organization, you know how challenging it can be to manage the complex interactions between your customers, suppliers, partners, and employees. You need a system that can handle the dynamic and diverse needs of your business model, while also providing you with the visibility and control you need to optimize your performance and growth.

One of the challenges that platform companies face is how to manage their complex and dynamic business processes. Platform companies are those that create value by facilitating interactions between two or more groups of users, such as Uber, Airbnb, or Amazon. These companies need to coordinate the activities of multiple stakeholders, such as suppliers, customers, partners, and regulators, across different markets and geographies.


An enterprise resource planning (ERP) system can help platform companies streamline their operations and optimize their performance. An ERP system is a software application that integrates various functions of an organization, such as accounting, inventory, human resources, and customer relationship management. An ERP system can provide a single source of truth for data and processes, enabling better decision making and collaboration.

However, not all ERP systems are suitable for platform companies. Traditional ERP systems are designed for linear and stable business models, where the value chain is well-defined and predictable. Platform companies, on the other hand, operate in nonlinear and dynamic environments, where the value chain is constantly evolving and adapting to changing customer needs and market conditions.

Implementation approach

Therefore, platform companies need a different implementation approach for their ERP systems. They need an agile and flexible ERP system that can support their innovation and growth. They also need an ERP system that can handle the complexity and diversity of their business processes, such as multi-sided transactions, cross-border payments, regulatory compliance, and network effects.

Some of the key features that platform companies should look for in their ERP systems are:

  • Modular and scalable architecture: The ERP system should have a modular design that allows adding or removing functionalities as needed. The ERP system should also be scalable to handle the increasing volume and variety of data and transactions.
  • Cloud-based and mobile-friendly: The ERP system should be cloud-based to enable easy access and collaboration across different locations and devices. The ERP system should also be mobile-friendly to support the mobility and convenience of the users.
  • Data-driven and intelligent: The ERP system should leverage data analytics and artificial intelligence to provide insights and recommendations for improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the business processes. The ERP system should also enable data integration and interoperability with other platforms and systems.
  • User-centric and customizable: The ERP system should have a user-centric design that enhances the user experience and satisfaction. The ERP system should also be customizable to fit the specific needs and preferences of each platform company.

By adopting these features, platform companies can implement an ERP system that can help them achieve their strategic goals and competitive advantage.

User adoption

If you are planning to implement an ERP system in your organization, you might be wondering how to ensure a successful adoption by your users. After all, an ERP system is only as good as the people who use it. 

First, you need to communicate the benefits of the ERP system to your users. Explain how it will make their work easier, faster, and more efficient. Show them how it will help them achieve their goals and solve their pain points. Use real examples and data to illustrate the value proposition of the ERP system.

Second, you need to involve your users in the design and testing phases of the ERP implementation. Ask for their feedback and suggestions on how to improve the system. Let them try out the system and see how it works. This way, you will build trust and confidence among your users and make them feel part of the change.

Third, you need to provide adequate training and support for your users. Make sure they have access to clear and comprehensive documentation, tutorials, videos, and FAQs. Provide them with multiple channels to ask questions and report issues. Assign them mentors or champions who can guide them through the learning curve. Recognize and reward their efforts and achievements.

By following these tips, you will be able to create a positive user experience and foster early user adoption of your ERP system. This will result in higher productivity, efficiency, and satisfaction for your organization. Remember, an ERP system is not just a tool, it is a culture change.